Czech out my cool new links!
If you look over on the sidebar of my blog you will find my links. They are right under my profile and are labeled "links" so you can't miss 'em. This is the first time I have used a blog so I am still finding things out about it. I just added these a few days ago and wanted to make sure you all knew about them.
The first link is the Majak home page. You can go there to find out a little more about what Majak is all about. Sorry it hasn't been updated in a few years, but it should still be interesting for you. Oh, and don't be intimidated most of the home page is in Czech, but the rest of the site should be in English. If it isn't there should be a little American flag in the corner that says English, just click on that.
The next one is just an interesting site I found about Czech. There is all kinds of info on the history, culture, and more. Just in case you wanted to know a little more about Czech. There are also lots of good pictures of Czech on this site.
The third one is the official site of the city of Brno. It has all kinds of information about the city, historical information, historical sites, famous people, and present day. It also has picture gallaries of the city if you want to see pictures of Brno too.
The fourth one is a Czech newspaper in English in case you are interested in finding out what is going on in Czech.
The last one is I usually have this set as my home page. On it there is a link to click that takes you to a page of sponsors. Every time someone goes to that link the sponsors will donate money to the organization. It is free and easy for you. You won't start getting junk mail or anything like that either so just take a look at it. If you are unsure you can go to the site and find out more information about how it works.
I hope to be adding a new link soon. It will be a link to a photo album. I will still post pictures on my blog, but I hope to have a site you can go to in order to see more of my pictures. So be on the lookout for that in the next week or so.
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