Thursday, February 23, 2006

English Classes

Wow I didn't know teaching English would be this fun! Classes started on February 6th and run until April 10th with an end of semester party on Aprril 14th. I have really enjoyed teaching so far. It has been a stretching and rewarding experience for me(the preparation part being especially stretching, ha ha just kidding, well sort of).

Here is what my schedule looks like.

Mon 6:00-8:00 Level 6.5 (converstaion class)
with eleven students

Tues & Thurs 4:00-5:30 level 4.5
with four students

Wed 3:00-3:45 kids class ages 7-12
with nine kids

(If you want to pray for me during those specific times remeber that I am six hours ahead of you. For instance, my six o'clock class on Monday would be 12:00 for you.)

I want to thank you for all your prayers. God is already doing some amazing things in my classes. In my first class one of my students asked me if I was currently leading any English Bible studies. I told him that I wasn't, but I am now! While I was thinking to myself, "Whoa, God, that was too easy. What's going on here?" We started meeting Wed this week at 5:00 and will meet at 6:00 from now on. I will give you all the details of this story in my upcoming newsletter because I wnant to make sure everyone hears the story.

The first day in my other class, I had a list of questions on the board that we asked each other. This activity gave them a chance to practice speaking while giving me the oportunity to get a feel for their level of English. It also was a get-to-know you kind of thing. One of the questions was, "What countries have you been too?" When I gave a long list of African countries they wanted to know why. So I got to tell them that my parents were missionaries there and share a little about what that meant. When I told them I was a student they also wanted to know what I was studying. So once again God opened up the oportunity to share with them about what I was studying and why. I can only acount all these opportunites and more to your faithful prayers. Thanks so much I couldn't do it with out you all. Look for an updated prayer list soon.


At 5:28 AM, Blogger Jennie Darden said...

Hey Mark,
I'm glad to hear that things in Czech are going great. Keep us informed about what goes on. I'll be praying for you while you are there.


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