Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Prayer Requests

1) Pray for me as I adjust to Czech and the culture.

2) Pray for the relationships that I will be building.

3) Pray for my students and the classes that start next week.

4) Pray for Erin Woodbury, I know this is hard on her.

5) Praise God for a safe trip and the work He is and will do here.

I made It!

What an overwhelming, yet also exciting two days! Yesterday I left good old Central, SC at 1:30 p.m. to head for Charlotte. My entire family, Erin Woodbury and I all piled into our van. While we drove to the airport it finally began to sink in that I was actually on my way to Czech and that I wouldn't being seeing Erin or my family or South Carolina for months. Excitement began to melt away as fear and uncertainty began to take its place. We had our emotional good-byes at the airport along with heart felt prayer. It was an incredibly meaningful and memorable time for me. It was also much harder than I thought it would be.

The trip was fairly uneventful and boring. Flying all that way completely alone began to get a bit intimidating, but I had some good time of prayer with the Lord. However, when I got here (surprise, surprise) my luggage did not.

I landed in Prague and one of the missionaries, Matthew Blake, was there to drive me to Brno. We had a good talk and he began to tell me about Majak (the ministry center in Brno) and the people who work here. I will be staying in a room at Majak for most of the time and have easy access to the internet and a Vonage phone. The phone is a U.S. number and cost about seven dollars a month for unlimited minutes. That is huge praise!

I am so excited and a bit nervous. I will spend the first week in orientation as I learn my way around Brno and learn how things work at Majak. Next week I dive right into teaching English classes. I have the level 4 and 6 students (6 is the highest) so it will be easier working with students who already speak English fairly well.

Thursday, January 26, 2006

5 Days before departure

First of all I would like to thank all of you who have supported me in all my endeavors, without you this trip would not be possible. I am especially grateful for my family who have always been encouraging and challenging me. I also am indebted to my church family who have been there for me listened to my many missions updates along the way and had to suffer through a young ministerial major's sermons. Before I go any further I must thank my loving and gracious Father. Without God I am nothing.

My anticipation is growing. My departure date is set for Monday, January 30th. I can't wait get started! I ask that you remember not only to pray for me, but also to pray for the people in Czech. Ask that God will be working in their hearts and lives before I meet them. Pray that God will lead me to the people that I can most effectively minister too. I can't wait to give you specific names to pray for. What an exciting thought it is to be able to witness to people who have little to no prior knowledge of the Gospel of Jesus Christ!