Saturday, April 08, 2006

God is truly amazing!

It is incredible to see how God has completely changed the lives of these young teens. Since Gabi accepted Christ she has had an extra glow about here. It is hard to put into words, but you can see the joy and excitement in her face, in the way she talks and laughs and how she interacts with the other teens. She is by all means a new creation in Christ and it is a joy to watch. One of the missionaries who just came back at the end of last month said the same about Petr. When Sabrina (the missionary referred to above) left Petr was not a Christian. She has commented several times on how different Petr has become and the joy that he has and is evident is his life. Not only that, but this young man who hasn't even been a Christian for a year is bringing his friends to Christ as well!

That's right last week another teen accepted Christ as their Savior! Her name is Kamila and she is one of Petr's friends. Petr told me that they had only met once but that they have kept in touch quite consistently through email and instant messenger. About a week ago she said she had been thinking a lot about God and religion and really wanted to find out more. Petr was excited to tell her that he had become a Christian and he invited her to come to youth group with him. So she came to youth group on Monday and God definitely spoke to her. David Ospaly shared his testimony that night and many of the teens told me it was powerful. Kamila stayed for a while afterwards to talk about it more. She was definitely hungry to know more. That night she emailed Petr and told him she wanted to know how to accept Jesus. Petr immediately passed the word on to David and they met and talked together on Wednesday. She decided right then and there that she wanted to become a Christian.

It is incredible to think that all this came from a comment she made on IM about wanting to know more about God. If Petr had not responded in that moment I wonder if he would have missed the opportunity? But he did respond, he noticed the moment and ceased it. He spoke to her when she was ripe and ready to hear. It makes me wonder how many times I have let seamingly little comments like that slip by unnoticed or unacted upon. How many times have we all done it. If this young believer can recognize the moment and have the guts to step up and take it, why do we, who have grown up in the church and been believers for years, fail to either recognize or act on such moments? How many people have lost their hunger and curiosity because it took us so long to do something about it. I hadn't intended on writing all this at the end, but it kinda came to me as I was writing and it really convicted me and made me think. So I thought I'd spill the beans and get a little deeper and personal. Well anyway those are my thoughts, and Praise God that he is able to use faithful young men like Petr to help advance the Gospel.

One more thing, I know I said I was sending out a prayer letter by the end of the week, but I forget that the Mission Director has to read them before I send them out. So I didn't want to bother him with it on Saturday so I hope he will have time on Monday and I can send it then. Thanks for your continued prayers. God is working here in amazing ways and I am convinced that it is because of faithful prayer.


At 4:13 AM, Blogger Jennie Darden said...

That's awesome to hear that another person was saved. God is truly working through you to speak to the people in the Czech Republic. Will continue to pray for you Mark.


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