Are you kidding me?
I just spent about an hour writing and editing this really long blog entry about my engagement story, Erin's week here after that and about the Sports Blitz coming up and when I hit publish post it posted nothing but the title. I tried to recover the post but nothing seemed to work. I don't have time to write it all over so I will tell you about my engagement later and just give you the highlights about next week so you can be praying.
Tommorow Leo and I are going to Prague to pick up 83 people! No, that wasn't a typo. There are seven different athletic teams coming from three of our Wesleyan colleges. This weekend will be spent in training, orientation and planning and next week will be crazy! The teams will visit English classes, give sports clinics, play local teams, host tournments and cookouts as well. We will be coming in contact with many different people and have many opportunities to share the Gospel along with personal testimonies as well. It will be a wonderful time to spread the Gospel, so please keep us, the teams coming and the people we will come in contact with this week in your prayers. I believe God will move in a mighty way this week and your prayers are definitely needed! I give you more details later, but like I said gotta go to Prague tommorow and it is already really late.